Thursday, 23 June 2016

Vitapulse Reviews: Many common food sources of CoQ10

Vitapulse Reviews: Many common food sources of CoQ10, NAC, and PQQ also happen to be high calorie foods that contain high levels of saturated fat, which are paradoxically bad for your heart health despite the supply of CoQ10, NAC, and PQQ these foods provide.

For example, CoQ10 is commonly found in high concentrations in foods such as liver, kidney, heart, beef, sardines, and mackerel – but eating these foods may cause other long term health complications. Individuals who enjoy eating a lot of vegetables on a daily basis can get CoQ10 in spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, and legumes.

The nice thing about getting CoQ10 from a supplement as opposed to some of the meats mentioned is you won’t have to consume the additional calories, and you can avoid eating high fat foods, especially meats containing saturated fat, which can lead to heart disease (heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States).

While it is definitely possible to get a healthy dose of CoQ10 from vegetables alone, you may need to eat quite a bit of veggies to get the same amount of this enzyme that’s contained in a single serving of VitaPulse.

CoQ10 Studies

Long term studies on CoQ10 dating back to the 1980’s and earlier have proven time and time again that this supplement has significant heart health benefits while at the same time exhibiting no apparent side effects. 1

One study even suggests CoQ10 may be a scientific breakthrough in the management of chronic heart failure. 2

The benefits of CoQ10 are not limited to just heart health either; other studies show that Coenzyme Q10 may play a role as an antioxidant and bioenergizer in periodontal diseases. 3

Let’s move on to NAC

NAC is basically an altered form of the amino acid known as “cysteine”. 4 When you take a NAC supplement your body converts NAC into cysteine, which is ultimately converted to glutathione. Glutathione is simply an antioxidant which fights free radicals in the body and are known to damage cells and DNA – and for those of you who’ve been living under a rock for the past decade or two, free radicals are well known to influence aging and can also cause various health issues.

While NAC is not found naturally in any food sources, cysteine is present in many high protein foods such as chicken, pork, turkey, sausage, duck, fish, and various dairy sources. Again, many of the foods in this list present the same problem as food sources for CoQ10; they’re calorie dense and contain toxic saturated fat.

Fortunately NAC can also be found in vegetable sources such as granola, oats, broccoli, red pepper, and onion.

Studies indicate that NAC is beneficial for neurological health and it likely exerts benefits beyond being a precursor to the antioxidant glutathione, modulating glutamatergic, and neurotropic inflammatory pathways. 5, 6

PQQ Natural Sources and Studies

PQQ is probably the least known of the three ingredients in the VitaPulse formula, but perhaps the most important since PQQ is actually responsible for the growth of new mitochondria.

Any of you with a great memory may remember back to high school biology lessons where you may have first learned that mitochondria serve as the powerhouse behind all living cells in the body – obviously pretty important stuff.

PQQ is found in various quantities in just about all plants. The plants that are most rich in PQQ are parsley, papaya, tofu, green peppers, kiwi, and green tea.

While in theory it is probably better to get all of your nutrition from real natural foods, the downside to getting PQQ from plant sources alone is there is only about 2-3 mcg of PQQ per 100 grams (yes, that does say micrograms, not milligrams) of the listed foods, whereas VitaPulse has a full 10mg of PQQ per a serving. Looking at the math, it becomes apparent that you’d have to consume a lot of vegetables every day (which is ideal, but often times impractical) to get the same amount of PQQ from natural foods as you can from taking a supplement.

PQQ supplementation has been shown to have numerous health benefits in various studies including the ability to prevent cognitive deficit due to oxidative stress 7, as well as influencing energy-related metabolism and neurological functions 8.

Where to Buy Vitapulse and Pricing

Currently, the only place that VitaPulse is officially sold is through their own company website.

1 comment:

  1. Most sustenances buys in grocery stores the world over have a scanner tag and calorie data engraved on the compartment paper. Perusing this data before making buys will guarantee than you buy just that which is healthy and nutritious.
